Volume 2 / ePub Format


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Volume 2 of The Great American Poetry Show, a four-color hardcover edition, was published in 2010 as the second volume in a series of poetry anthologies to be published about every five years. The editors chose this publishing schedule to give themselves enough time to put together what they considered to be excellent collections of poems. Starting in 2005, ads requesting submissions of poems for Volume 2 were placed in several poetry magazines. The editors reviewed over 15,000 poems submitted and selected 134 poems by 92 poets from all walks of life. The poets published included John C. Bird, Don Brennan, Howard Camner, Carol Carpenter, Joan Riley Clarkson, Stephanie Dickinson, Maureen Tolman Flannery, Howard Good, John Grey, Tom Holmes, Carrie Jerrell, Ellaraine Lockie, Leonard Orr, Kevin Pilkington, Doug Ramspeck, E. M. Schorb, Dee Sunshine, Lois Swann, Sarah Brown Weitzman, and many more. If you love poems, you will find great enjoyment in reading Volume 2 of The Great American Poetry Show